Phoenix Design Week
Phoenix Design Week is a week-long series of events that bookend a two-day conference with a rotating theme.
The conference is organized by community volunteers for creative professionals. PHXDW brings together world-class speakers and local experts for two full days of actionable insights, hands-on education and fire-fueling inspiration. The conference and weekly events are important opportunities for our community to unite under a common passion for all things design. Design week events range in topic and size. They consist of meetups, workshops, talks and social gatherings held by individual artists, creative companies and organizations that serve the design community in some way.
PHXDW was a grassroots effort created by designer Mark Dudlik in 2009. His passionate open letter to the community gained immediate interest and support, which led to the first large-scale effort in Arizona showcasing all the visual design disciplines in one local event.
Since then, it has grown to become the premier annual event presented by AIGA Arizona for our state’s creative community.