Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Poster Exhibition

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Poster Exhibition featured image
By Jenn Monroy | Published September 29, 2020

Voices and Visions of Arizona creatives

AIGA AZ announces the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Poster Exhibition, a call to creatives during Phoenix Design Week 2020. We invite you to share your voices about what Diversity, Equity & Inclusion means to you in our creative community. How does it show up in your life, profession, and creativity?

The exhibition is part of a process our chapter is exploring to define and create dialogues and safe spaces where all are welcome. Entries will be showcased on AIGA AZ’s Flickr gallery and unveiled at the PHXDW 2020 Closing Party.


Creatives (designers, fine artists, photographers, makers, students) from the state of Arizona can submit to be showcased in our online gallery.


How do we create change, awareness, dialogue, and impact? Subjects can include but are not limited to, community progress and opportunities, the struggles and celebration of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in the creative professional industry, or personal storytelling.


  • Showcased at the PHXDW 2020 Closing Party and beyond
  • Building professional relationships
  • Creating awareness for social impact in Arizona
  • Submissions are open to the entire creative community to promote DE&I and spotlight local creatives

Important Dates

  • First-round submissions: October 2-8, 2020
  • Gallery unveiling: October 9, 2020
  • Submissions may continue through October 31, 2020

Submissions Guidelines

  • Submission file types are: JPEG or PNG
  • Dimensions are 1728 x 2304 pixels
  • The maximum file size is 25 MB
  • RGB color profile
  • Email submissions and questions to [email protected].
  • Include your name, title, website (if applicable) and any social handles you would like featured with your work. Please also include a 1-2 sentence artist statement about your submission.
  • AIGA AZ strictly adheres to the AIGA Code of Conduct and reserves the right to turn away any submissions that it deems inappropriate or offensive in subject matter. Works with overtly pornographic, discriminatory or violent messages may be barred from submission.

Submit Today

By submitting a design, you certify that you created or have ownership of the work—including the right to distribute stock images and fonts used in your design. You retain the copyright and agree to distribute under a Creative Commons license. You grant to AIGA AZ the right to use accepted work for publications, in exhibitions, on its website and partner websites, on social media, and for educational and AIGA-related noncommercial promotional purposes. AIGA AZ never takes ownership of community creations and will always attribute the artist when sharing works.