AIGA AZ Town Hall 2024
Town Hall is our annual public meeting for AIGA Arizona members and the greater community. This is your opportunity to meet the board, learn what we have planned for the year, and most importantly, be heard! We want to hear what you want out of the chapter. You’ll also be the first to sneak a peek at the Phoenix Design Week 2024 theme—designed this year by Attic Salt. They’ll be there to unveil this year’s look and, folks… it’s really good! And speaking of PHXDW… we’ll have something extra special… just for our Town Hall attendees!
We’re pulling up a stool at Tombstone Brewing Co. in Phoenix and while we hope to see all of your faces in person (that’s also how you’re eligible for giveaways, *wink wink*), if you can’t make it IRL, you’ll have the opportunity to join virtually with help from our friends at CreativeMornings PHX (link to be provided 24 hours before the event). Parking will be as plentiful as Tombstone’s pours and plates so come early to network and see what we’ve been up to!
Your registration constitutes permission to use photos, audio, and video recording taken of you at the event for promotional and educational purposes in connection with AIGA Arizona, and places you on the master mailing list.
AIGA Arizona has adopted the AIGA Code of Conduct with regard to its activities. We reserve the right to refuse admittance for violations of this Code, or other unlawful or disruptive actions. Any concerns should be addressed to the AIGA Arizona president.
Speakers’ presentations and viewpoints are their own opinions and do not necessarily reflect those of AIGA Arizona. We are not responsible for the content of every presentation; please be aware that adult language, visuals or topics may sometimes be included.